Okay this might sound weird but I work only nightshifts because I love the night and I do it since 4 years.

I wish I would have done it earlier cause I was never able to sleep at night before my morning shifts etc. and now I feel so good with this job. It’s relaxing, it’s a fun job and the best: I have no co workers in my shift I work alone.

For many this sounds like a nightmare but no management, only getting a 5 minute report from day shift is so nice.

Either way… I slept the first time in a fresh made bed after my nightshift for the very first time.

I usually make the bed fresh and my wife sleeps in it and then I get home to a yucky warm used bed. Some like it, I do too but nothing is better than laying down in a freshly made bed that smells so fresh and is cold.

My wife went to work and I took the time to take off all the bed sheets and made a new bed. At this point I might be crazy but I think I’m gonna change this task to “morning” task in the future. Why should I change the bed sheets but never be able to experience that fresh bed? If I only do it in the morning so I get to experience it would that be considered toxic? Would you guys care?

It’s the little things in life I cherrish the most. A fresh unused bed is so underrated.

  • @norimee
    66 months ago

    This is so wholesome.
    Change your morning routine and enjoy the brand new bed.
    It’s not toxic to change your routine because it makes you happy. Your partner might not even care as much as you do. And if they do and miss the fresh bed you can always alternate.