Are the same petty mods running this show? If so, please ban me immediately. I don’t see how you can reconcile claiming to fight labor exploitation while at the same time giving away your labor for free to a billion dollar company.

  • DrTautologyOP
    2 years ago

    I don’t see anything I’ve said as “weirdly combative”. This community has the same name, same logo, same rules as the subreddit. It’s not weird to assume it is the same place run by the same people. I’m glad to hear it is not however. I’m a staunch proponet of the mission and wholly support spirit of the community.

    • magnetosphere
      -12 years ago

      Some people aren’t being as empathetic as they could. Please don’t take it personally. A lot of us (myself included) are reddit refugees, and being accusatory/defensive is often the default. It takes some time to realize that it’s okay to give people the benefit of the doubt.

      We knew things were bad, but we didn’t realize just how bad it had gotten over there. I’m only half joking when I call it PRSD (Post Reddit Stress Disorder).