How stressful is to be a yoga teacher? Engineers, doctors, school teachers are known to have a lot of pressure in their jobs, I wonder if the same happens for yoga teachers and similar jobs?

Cc @[email protected]

  • @Candelestine
    82 years ago

    Having met my fair share, I’ll say it depends on your job security. If you’ve got a stable gig teaching regular classes at an established place you like, it’s a potential dream job. Doesn’t exactly pay the best, I wouldn’t want to raise a family on it necessarily, but fine for an individual.

    Or you can not have a stable gig with predictable hours and pay. That’s probably less fun. But if you’re just wanting something part time on the side, I’ve met a few that do that.

    Nice thing about yoga teacher is its one of those jobs where you’d be doing the yoga anyway. So, doing it for pay while you tell people to breathe isn’t all that bad.