Personally, I have never gotten the hype by the names “baby,” “babe,” “bae,” “honey,” it feels forced to me. I’ve seen those TikTok videos where as a joke people will address their spouses by their real names and the spouses get mad and say something like “my family and friends can call me that, but you can’t.” I’ve never gotten the seriousness of it. If we already know we’re boyfriend and girlfriend, or husband and wife, why should I have to address you by those names? Again, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with saying them, but using real names should become more common as well.

  • @ABCDE
    6 months ago

    Except the original post did? You aren’t right here.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      The OP doesn’t like how terms of endearments sound, thinks they sound forced.

      A subsequent commenter is misrepresenting the OP by arguing

      “Never using real names ≠ not using pet names”

      which nobody is asserting.

      and complaining

      “I also have never met a couple that never calls each other by their given name.”

      which nobody has said,


      “That doesn’t mean those same people never use pet names.”

      which again, nobody is saying except for that commenter.

      they’re propping up straw men using absolutes to argue against because they don’t have any relevant answers for the OP or contributions to the thread.

      • @prime_number_314159
        46 months ago

        In your first comment, in this thread, you asked “you’ve never met anyone in your life who uses pet names for their SO?”

        I (and I believe the other people responding to you) don’t think that’s a reasonable interpretation of the comment you were responding to.

        The top comment (with the double negative removed for clarity) said that Every couple that commenter knows in real life does use each others’ legal names. This does not suggest that those couples do not also use pet names, but your question implies that you think it does. This implication is what other commenters are responding to.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          you got turned around.

          my comment

          “you’ve never met anyone in your life who uses pet names for their SO?”

          is a direct response to

          the absurd assertion that

          “Nobody I know doesn’t use real names when addressing their spouse.”


          “This does not suggest that those couples do not also use pet names”

          No suggestion, they directly claim that nobody they know doesn’t use real names.

          They claim not to know anyone who uses anything other than their real names with their spouse.

          Buy that if you want to.

          • @prime_number_314159
            36 months ago

            You are definitely misreading what they said. The meaning you attribute doesn’t make any sense in the context of the post and the remainder of their comment.

            “Nobody I know doesn’t eat onions.” is equivalent to “Everybody I know does eat onions.” but not to “Everybody I know eats nothing except onions.”