UNLESS you work a blue collar job, or any other job that requires you to be outside the whole time, I don’t see the point in showering every day. Especially if you work from home or in a building with AC. It seems excessive and is also a waste of water. But do what you want lmao.

  • lurch (he/him)
    65 months ago

    No, most people keep the water running while soaping parts of the body outside of the water, then changing what part is soaped while the previously soaped is being rinsed in the water.

    • Blastboom Strice
      5 months ago

      Huh, maybe Im weird, but I ~use the water to just wash out the soap (and maybe sometimes I pour hot water for a minute to relax).

      I made my process even more efficient few years ago by applying soap both at the head and body before removing it (used to first wash the hair and then the body) and I no longer wash my hair twice (unless the 1st wash wasnt enough).

      Edit: I’m from Greece in case it’s a culutral difference

      • @thejoker954
        75 months ago

        I think most of us who take ‘long’ showers are using it as a form of relaxation/meditation whether consciously or not.