Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said he isn’t buying all that Democratic “joy” on display at this past week’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago during a Sunday appearance with Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union.

During their conversation, Tapper brought up the “disciplined” and “well-produced” DNC this week that, as the journalist put it, “conveyed patriotism and unity.” Graham didn’t see it that way.

“Well, I didn’t see what you saw,” Graham told Tapper with a laugh. “If you’re a Republican, you saw a hate fest. You saw a hate fest full of insults.”

“Americans are not joyful when they go to the gas station and fill up their car,” he continued. “They’re not joyful when they make their mortgage payment. They’re not joyful when they go to the grocery store. People are hurting, and this whole joy love fest doesn’t exist in the real world.”

To bolster his claim, Graham pointed to the gas prices, the state of the border, and inflation during Donald Trump’s presidency when “the world was not on fire.”

He’s either lying or what he said gives us a look into his shitty perspective of the world. Either way such a miserable and pathetic existence.

  • @madcaesar
    185 months ago

    No-one is pretending everything is perfect, but you also have to have a positive vision for the future. Having a whole convention bitching about stuff without solutions is not the path forward.

    Democrats discussed ideas to make things better regarding the points Graham made, BUT it’s the Republicans that are the major roadblock to any and all solutions.

    Graham is the guy taking a massive shit in your living room and then complaining that the cleaning lady is too cheerful about cleaning up the room. And she’s not fast enough… And she’s to blame for making him take that dump.

    Fuck all Republican politicans, they offer ZERO solutions to anything. All they do is stoke fear and division.