During my work, I use multiple Tmux sessions to manage different projects. When
I create a new session, I usually give it unique name so that I know that the
project is about via the session name.
I found this post really helpful to anyone who is using tmux
I’ve only used the builtin choose-session, and haven’t had the need for anything more (I usually only have one session, maybe 3 at most) but this gives me ideas to iterate over all open panes with previews given by fzf--preview'tmux capture-pane -p -t {}'.
I’ve only used the builtin
, and haven’t had the need for anything more (I usually only have one session, maybe 3 at most) but this gives me ideas to iterate over all open panes with previews given byfzf --preview 'tmux capture-pane -p -t {}'
.Yeah, whatever fits you, I usually open each repo in seperated session with tmux-sessionizer so fuzzy find session is useful