• Viking_Hippie
    2 years ago

    You’re talking about wealthy/economically comfortable people, not rich people. There’s a HUGE difference.

    Most actually RICH people are born into money and might increase their fortune if they want to, but don’t have to.

    Over a certain threshold, a rich person has the option to not work at all or do essentially risk-free business because above a certain wealth, companies might go under, but it won’t cost a billionaire anything, certainly nothing that can’t be covered by an easy to obtain and usually low to no interest loan.

    The “high performance individuals” that create a lot of wealth for themselves and others are the wealthy/comfortable ones who can’t stop working without, at least, having to cut back on luxuries.

    They’re not the ones the laws benefit the most, though, the RICH are. Their income is mainly in undertaxed capital gains and the vast majority of their “high level trade and investments” don’t benefit anyone but themselves and other rich people, taking their wealth out of the general economy and thus making them a net expense for the general population.