In an interview with pro-Kremlin newspaper, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Russia perceives the transfer of F-16 fighters to Ukraine as a nuclear threat due to what Lavrov says is the jets’ capacity to carry nuclear weapons.

  • xuxebiko
    42 years ago

    Does Putin keep Medvedev, Shoigu, and Lavrov around to make himself feel more intelligent by comparison?

    • @Countess425
      32 years ago

      Medvedev, yes. Shoigu because he’s been around since the USSR and knows how not to rock the boat, and Lavrov because even though he’s very competent, he wants to retire but Putin won’t let him. This war has just highlighted for those of us outside Russia how ridiculous and detached from reality they all are; Lavrov has been instrumental in creating the appearance that Russia was “westernizing” all these years.

      • xuxebiko
        22 years ago

        Lavrov has been instrumental in creating the appearance that Russia was “westernizing” all these years.

        That was majorly Gerard Schroder’s and Angela Merkel’s doing.