• @dohpaz42
    8018 days ago

    Life pro tip for those who do stink when they sweat:

    If you ever find yourself in a pinch, and either you forgot deodorant or it wore off (it’s bullshit that these deodorants last 24+ hours), you can use hand sanitizer as makeshift deodorant. The isopropyl alcohol in the hand sanitizer will also kill the bacteria that breaks down those lipids that cause the odor. You can also substitute rubbing alcohol for deodorant and it generally lasts longer.

    • dream_weasel
      17 days ago

      The pro tip that we had to give out in college for the newcomers to the ballroom team every semester to mitigate body odor (edit: done in exactly this order):

      1. Shower with soap.
      2. Apply deodorant with antiperspirant.
      3. Put on clean clothes.

      You would be surprised how many people in college don’t understand the nuances of these points. Or other basically accepted hygiene practices of the area. For example, cologne or perfume is not “deodorant”. Also, most things are not clean after you wear them (esp if you sweat), and dont become clean again until they are laundered. You may also notice we had to specify “with soap” for a shower.

      The bit about antiperspirant is not strictly necessary, but nobody wants to put their hand near or accidentally in a sweaty pit.

      • @[email protected]
        416 days ago

        Had a college roommate who would walk to the shower in socks, shower (for whatever that was worth), and come back wearing the SAME FUCKING SOCKS. “Do I smell or something?” “Yeah you do bro, and yes it is affecting you socially”.

        But did he change his habits? Nope.

      • @TheTetrapod
        317 days ago

        Antiperspirant doesn’t agree with my skin, so I use a normal deodorant, but otherwise I fully agree.

        • @[email protected]
          217 days ago

          You night want to look for one without aluminum. I got a nasty infection when I used a normal antiperspirant but the aluminum-free stuff doesn’t cause me any trouble.

        • dream_weasel
          217 days ago

          Yeah that’s how it is pitched. Also why I picked numbers and not bullets, but I suppose I could have been more explicit.