Doesn’t have to be a life motto. Any motto, for any application.

Mine is: “Fear is shorter than regret.”

  • @norimee
    67 months ago

    “Everything will be okay in the end.
    If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.”

    • Coriza
      47 months ago

      I used to always say that to myself in my native language. Seems to be a pretty common saying it seems. In this days I some times still say it. But I don’t think I believe in it anymore.

      • @norimee
        27 months ago

        Yeah, it’s been around for a while.

        Some say it’s a quote by Oscar Wilde, some say its John Lennon others say it comes from brazilian Author Fernando Sabino and because Paulo Coelho is the only brazilian author people remember it’s attributed to him too.

        You are not brazilian by chance?

        • Coriza
          16 months ago

          I actually am hauahaua.