
A seating chart for an “8 HOUR FLIGHT” with the text “PICK YOUR SEAT” at the top. The chart is composed of 10 numbered seats, each occupied by a different famous Republican politician or public figure, or the devil. Each number represents a seat, and each seat is either adjacent to or between one or two different individuals.

  • @netvor
    1020 days ago

    Is it Satan, though? Looks like a just a common devil. He would probably just try to talk you into some dumb contract and fail in an amusing way. No racism, no shit talking, no being asshole, kind of a polite guy.

    OK, maybe slight smell of burned sulfur but that would be it.

    • @[email protected]
      020 days ago

      I am descended from Gaels, the devil is gonna sign its soul to me. Ya think the devil can rules lawer his way into owning my soul, nope I will rules lawer into owning his sould and make it benefitial to both of us so as to get another pet devil and another and another ad infinitum.