We’re going to lose a couple of hours tonight due to maintenance, so it’s time for this week’s reset recap! Assuming you didn’t get completely hammered by the DDoSing over the last couple of days, what are you proud of getting done this week in Eorzea?

  • doqunbop
    27 months ago

    @Drusenija Been trying to take it more easy this week, but with the static we managed to get our first M4S clear on our 2nd out of 3 raid nights, so we had the 3rd night off, which was a welcome bonus time to recuperate :)

    • @DrusenijaOP
      27 months ago

      Nice, well done! Always satisfying when you get through the last stage of a raid tier 😊 And the music has been top tier for this series as well (well except for M3; it’s not horrible but the other three are just so good!) Enjoy your well earned rest!