Fox News did not air a second of the speeches from alienated GOP leaders and former Trump officials who endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris at this week’s Democratic National Convention.

  • @[email protected]
    607 months ago

    It’s OK! Republicans are KNOWN for doing their Own Research and will SURELY find these Clips on their Own!

    • @gAlienLifeform
      207 months ago

      The sad part is this is how people in the DNC must actually think to give these assholes speaking time at their convention when the only commendable thing they ever did was admit to making a mistake most Americans were smart enough to not make in the first place

      • modifier
        117 months ago

        This is not a great take. This isn’t about reaching out to MAGA voters, it’s about reaching out to independents. Fox exposure would not have been great anyway.

        Go off on sticking to your principles and ridiculing anyone that took longer than you to see the light (you are so smart you probably always had the political views you have), but I am keen to win this election and preserve democracy, which means a big tent with no minimal gatekeeping.