It’s Thursday, one of the worst days of the week. Not yet the weekend, but we’re already tired.

Come in and have a moan!

  • rubikcuber
    32 years ago

    Same. Electrician is here so I’m stuck in the living room with bits and bobs from the bedroom surrounding me. But, it’s sunny. And because of the up and down power today I’ve told my clients I’m offline. And my SO has taken the kids out for the day. So I’m sitting here chilling playing Final Fantasy VI on my little RG35XX portable, without a care in the world. Even the random drilling and banging as power socket holes are made isn’t bothering me. A great day!

    • @TeaHands
      22 years ago

      Even better than an unscheduled day of gaming. An unscheduled day of gaming where you can’t possibly be blamed!