The Last game I played was Splatoon 3. It really depends on a few things, Am I an Inkling/Octoling? Do I speak the language? Where am I? In Splatoon lore all humans died in mass floods, so if I was still human I would probably be studied. Also, if I’m in the middle of the ocean I would be screwed either way. Assuming that I am in a major city or at least near civilization, and I am an Inkling/Octoling, and I speak the language, I would be fine. As for what I would do, I would sign up to work at Grizco, and once I have enough money buy a gun and participate in turf wars to gain money, eventually buying an appartment.

  • @Shou
    36 months ago

    Cyberpunk. I’d be a corpslave… ain’t no way I’d survive anything else.

      • @Shou
        26 months ago

        Till some gang, merc, police, etc show up. Or you know. You get sick and can’t cover insurance.

        • @CookieOfFortune
          26 months ago

          Yeah but that’s safer than any of the other options. Just gotta get that Trauma Team platinum coverage.