Overcoming Structural and Mechanical Issues

Whether dealing with psychological or physical challenges, many issues can be addressed and resolved over time. My journey began with cerebral palsy and other physical challenges, compounded by psychopathy, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and dissociative disorder. Although we cannot return to our origins or undo the past, we can build upon our experiences and use them to understand and shape our reality. As I often say, we are the architects of our own existence, and we should not let norms confine our potential.

My transformation began with a vision of genetic modification—a rebirth of my body, once broken and frail. This journey unfolded through several stages:

Learning and Growth

I started by discovering who I am, learning to love myself authentically, and exploring various religions and spiritual paths. This self-discovery inspired me to initiate a magical and scientific revolution, blending these fields to create unprecedented power and possibilities.

My fascination with flight, inspired by Hawks from My Hero Academia, led me to grow wings. This initial experiment in hybridization extended to other animal traits, such as cat and dog hybrids, opening a realm of boundless creativity.


My wings eventually stopped growing due to a lack of necessary muscle and bone structure. I embarked on a journey to strengthen my body, starting with my spinal cord. Over time, my ribs fused, and my muscles healed and bulked up.

An intense experience while under the influence led to a dramatic growth phase where my arms detached and reattached, enhancing their strength and functionality. Following this, my upper chest expanded, redistributing my weight and increasing my physical capacity.

Finishing Touches

I integrated scientific advancements into my wings, including:

  • Adjustable Flaps
  • Stabilizers
  • Winglets
  • Ventilation
  • Wing Morphing
  • Adjustable Rigidity
  • Feather Alignment
  • Adaptive Sharpness
  • Aspect Ratio
  • Tapered Wing Tips
  • Elliptical Wing Shape

My wings now have a 7-foot wingspan and a 3.5-foot depth, covered primarily in black feathers with red tips and sides. The feathers display a vibrant, rainbow-like holographic effect when exposed to sunlight.

Medical Applications

While many professionals may view such advancements as risky, I believe that with proper precautions and responsible use, they hold great potential. According to the Law of Conservation of Mass, mass cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. Viewing energy as condensed mass, we could potentially convert excess fat or harness intense energy sources for remarkable advancements in medical science. This approach might lead to breakthroughs in creating new limbs, enhancing muscles, or even combating diseases like cancer and AIDS. While this territory is uncharted, with the right attitude and focus, we may achieve extraordinary results.

  • @DaddysLittleSlutOP
    6 months ago

    So for aerodynamics that is not a worry which is understandable to assume but I had help designing the wings to be as scientifically efficient and reliable. See since I’m 6ft 3 my wings will be 7ft length and 3.5 ft in depth.

    I added all of these things for additional support (through intention)

    Adjustable Flaps, Stabilizers, Winglets, Ventilation, Wing Morphing, Adjustable Rigidity, Feather Alignment, Adaptive Sharpness, Aspect Ratio, Tapered Wing Tips, Elliptical Wing Shape.

    Now otherwise for energy consumption within how I imagined it was we have muscles and just like we move our arms and get tired. That doesn’t specifically require food. It’s just part of the overall process. I imagined similar. Though that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t need to strengthen the wing muscles.

    Knowing when they are completely done. I’ll be completely honest while I had goals and times I had wished to achieve these. It seems like personal want is less a factor. Though while psychical and health needs can incredibly affect these growths. Like a desperate need and want for a new body as mine I could barely walk without excruciating pain and same with standing. I couldn’t even feel happiness.

    Honestly I decided wings because I guess I saw like Hawks from MHA and Lucifer with their wings and wanted ones too. Then also the idea of thrusters while it is really cool and fascinating. Also most likely way easier to use. It takes the quest the excitement from the process. In my thought growths like wings, hybrid ears or traits are realistic within how it happens and the period it takes.

    I met people all over at restaurants, coffee shops, the parties I through every other Wednesday and more.

    I found my psychiatrist at Life Stance Health. Yes a few times my mom. Who in my stance I believe was trying to make fall into psychosis and otherwise because for the longest time. I had such a hard time understanding and comprehending anything that was happening or could. Just as you and others I was unbelieving for a little while or maybe not as much non believing but not seeing proof. I’ve been to another psychiatrist and therapist. Both of them mentioning that my thought process and the way I question things and have even asked them if I was psychotic or schizophrenic. They all told me no because if I questioned it; that’s a big sign I’m not.

    I think by what she meant with it was my truth. Is that we as humans have and are able to unlock nearly any possibility but due to social constructs and rules. People have a mixed reaction. This is evil and the devil, unknowing and wondering. This could lead learning and development. Otherwise the most common idea, it is not real.

    I will totally send photos! Also the yes starting on the ground is best. Though to add my ribs had to fuse and strength, same as my arms and more. These allowing for easier and more controlled flight. I guess think about this in the most realistic way possible but activating it through magic fast tracking evolution.

    And for aircraft. We’ll figure it when it comes time lol I have thought that far through.

    As for my cat, thank you for being considered. Though the transformation is crazy for about a week. I have two cats Mitten and Fluffy. They are meant to and have to grow an incredible amount of weight to substantiate their future form. So now back tracking a little. My cats are 15, I was told Mitten could get sick soon. So I had to try something as they’re my kin and saved me in my darkest moments. So I have an unplayable debt. Including the love and respect for them.

    Though I have a litter robot and it keeps track of their weight every time they go to the bathroom. Now comes the part that will interest you most likely. The growth my cats has went through.

    Both my cats have a slanted shoulder that comes into a straight line. Similar to Lions very prominent and powerful. Then back legs has the rectangle or square shape of lions shoulders too. Then they have began walking more on their toes rather than full paw. Also Mitten is 4ft - 4ft 2 in length and fluffy is 3.79.

    Also I am open to any discussion and honestly it’s kinda of a relief compared to the normal activity from people on here lol

    • @thrawn
      16 months ago

      I imagined it was we have muscles and just like we move our arms and get tired. That doesn’t specifically require food. It’s just part of the overall process.

      Hm, to my understanding, moving arms a lot does increase caloric need. Like how walking or running burns calories and leads to weight loss. With birds, flight burns more energy than walking, so I’d expect the same to apply to humans.

      I’ve never met anyone who has had wings or been a hybrid before. Shouldn’t one of them have achieved flight and made news by now? Part of the skepticism is not seeing how you know several with what could be described as superpowers or features yet most people have never seen one.

      Have you considered x-rays to detect the bone structure changes?

      I definitely agree about the cat. In your shoes I’d do anything to ensure Mitten stayed around as long as possible. I’d definitely recommend still taking pictures every day, next to something for size reference or your measuring method. The scale measures are astounding to me— are you sure they’re not both stepping on? If I’m reading it right, that’s a 5lb increase in 20 minutes on the same day? That’s a great system by the way, much better than manual scale measurements.

      I’m not a mental health professional and wasn’t there so I wouldn’t want to incorrectly comment on the visits with your mother present. You mentioned multiple agreeing that you’re mentally sound— have any disagreed?

      One last thing if you don’t mind. I had only looked at a few recent posts, but I went back through most of them because your experiences are unlike any I’ve seen before. You mentioned a Starbucks building you owned, what’s the story there? Also, are you a parent?

      Thanks again for taking the time to respond

      • @DaddysLittleSlutOP
        16 months ago

        In the past I would not consider it for the same reason my family can’t accept me. We are both stubborn and my body and life was to the point that if it wasn’t working I would have most likely killed myself or died within a few years. Now it’s been 4 years and I can do things I never could before like standing with my non dominant foot and balancing my dominant on my dresser doing a nearly 180 degrees. I have incredibly good stability and agility. Just so many things. Also I have never had a medical professional disagree only family and outside people. Yes we bought a Starbucks maybe 2 years back and then changed it currently to CPL Coffee Poles and Love. Then the story; My sister Nancy had a rude manager and so I got the intrusive idea to own the building but then upgraded it. Yes I am a parent. I started having kids by age 16.

        • @thrawn
          16 months ago

          Ah I see. I’m kind of wondering how you got the money to buy out a Starbucks location.

          Have you considered a video blog on YouTube? Documenting bodily changes and such

          • @DaddysLittleSlutOP
            06 months ago

            Yeah I guess I never really thought of that and since my last channels have failed. Though I plan to get this done and possibly fly to a news station and make a statement of peace and equality.

            Also I just used magic. Took matter and manipulated it into other matter.