
  • @Communist_SynthesizerOP
    7 months ago

    Republicans should never be in power ever again, period. Biggest reason isn’t even what Trump would do if we had a terrorist attack.

    It’s global warming.

    The US has a service economy and produces a quarter of all global waste/emissions. We produce that much waste without actually producing anything. At least China can claim that they MAKE stuff. We don’t. We pollute for FUN.

    Even if we completely reversed course and went 100% all in on renewables and climate change mitigation, we’re looking at millions, possibly hundreds of millions dead in the poorest parts of the world in the coming decades because of our actions. And that’s the best case scenario. The way we’re headed, we’re looking at the end of life as we know it.

    The very least we can do is push the government towards addressing the problems we’ve caused, and to do that, at the bare minimum we need to make sure we never let a Republican step foot in the White House again.

    Everything else pales in comparison to the kind of damage we cause every time we let a climate change denier control the direction of US policy on global warming.

    • @Windex007
      67 months ago

      I agree in principle with the idea that the ideology espoused by the current incarnation of the republican party needs to die forever.

      But generally (not specifically) it’s critical not to have a single party system.

      If I was Sherman I’d perhaps say that the democratic party should never have power again. But obviously times and platforms change.

      The fight is against ideology. As badly as I want the republican party to fuck off and die it’s critical that they reincarnate as something else because in the long run a single party system isn’t the answer

      • @Katana314
        16 months ago

        Absolutely disagree. Part of the criticism leveled at the Democratic Party is that it has internal disagreements - they don’t always vote the party line. That means the Republican Party as a single party would be devastating, but Democrats would only loosely keep their hold.

        We’ve had far more people in recent elections wanting to vote for a third party but deciding against it because it would waste their vote. With one useless ® party removed, that just becomes second party.

      • @Communist_SynthesizerOP
        7 months ago

        We’ve had that exact scenario happen before, where one party died off entirely. Within a couple of years, they split off again into two different parties. And that’s exactly what will happen again. Democrats aren’t some kind of monolith, they have everything from Corporate Dems like Pelosi that made millions with her inside trading, don’t-rock-the-boat neoliberals that would be considered conservatives anywhere else, to leftists that would love to eat the rich and get money out of politics using just about any means necessary.

        They’re only grouped up now because the alternative is well… Republicans.

        • @Windex007
          37 months ago

          It’s obviously difficult to reconcile the specific to the general, but as long as we’re in agreement that the ideal number of political blocks is >1 then I think we’re in agreement.