Friends. There is not enough Pixies in this Community or in your life. Go and listen to the whole of Doolittle, right now. That’s an order.

  • @[email protected]
    35 months ago

    Story time…

    I’ve been a fan since when Doolittle was first released. In the late 90s, my boss and I got to talking, and she had never heard of the band. She laughed at their ridiculous name. I still made her a short mix tape, so she could hear them, as we did back then. She didn’t like them and told me I was weird for liking weird music.

    Flash forward to now, when they’re revered as alt rock gods. Suck on that, Donna! Now who’s laughing?!?

    • @AesecakesOP
      25 months ago

      I wonder if she likes them now? I say this because, I’m sure it’s a thing that people who used to think you/I were weird back then, will nowadays swear blind that they liked that stuff the whole time and that there was never a time they didn’t like it. In a slightly Orwellian way.