
I was diagnosed a few months back and I’ve gotten on Vyvance 20mg to great effect. I’m not perfect, but much better.

However I do find that my focus wanes in the evening when I want to kick back and practice a hobby like drawing or music, I can’t sit down and just do it.

If anyone has advice or experience that might help, I’d be very grateful.

  • Gormadt
    26 months ago

    That’s the spirit

    Honestly it can be pretty hard to do that depending on your schedule, though it’s pretty nice when it works out

    • @okwhateverdude
      46 months ago

      During my early adult years when I first moved out on my own and it was just me, I flipped my schedule to sleep 1700 until whenever I woke up. No alarms. Could sleep in every day because the result was “Oh no, still have many hours until work”. Would work 0700 until 1600. It was amazing. I was so awake and focused on my own stuff. Could practice piano, write poetry, work on open source code during those wee hours. Early morning work was also very productive. Afternoon work time was meh, but that was okay because of how the work was structured. Would bike into the office since it was only about 8km (5 mile) via residential streets. Do my grocery shopping at a 24hr market. Laundry room at my apartment complex was always open. It was such a magical time. Lonely, but would see friends late nights as their shifts ended or the evening was just peaking. Plus all my internet friends on IRC from all over.

      • Gormadt
        6 months ago

        That’s the dream really, for me currently I sometimes find myself getting an hour or 2 of OT at the end of my shift. Which blows.

        Don’t get me wrong I’m going to try to bend my schedule some more again soon so that maybe I could start aiming to get up by 5 am again as that was pretty damn nice when that was an option.

        Getting up for work about 4ish hours before the shift starts is bliss

        Edit: By getting OT at the end of my shift I mean I usually find out I’m getting literally as I’m trying to leave. It blows.