    2 years ago

    Maybe more homeowners should care about the rental situation, if home ownership is such a risk to lose.

    By this, I mean people should stop lobbying against new housing being built. People should start caring when renters begin to get screwed over in new ways. The number of renters is going to keep going up unless we hit a solid population hiatus. “Wait and see” just doesn’t work with this.

    Too many people have the mindset of “f you, I got mine”, without looking beyond their own nose. Many of those people don’t realize how close they are to being in a renter position themselves. Demotions, firings, unexpected disabilities, illnesses, fires, deaths, etc. don’t just wait around until you can afford them. Those things don’t care if you’ve had a bad year, or if you’re the breadwinner of your household.

    You or I could suddenly wake up one day and have a stroke. Everyone seems to ignore that as if it’s something that only happens to other people.

    • @[email protected]
      22 years ago

      Many (most?) people who lobby against particular developments are not against building homes, but are pro-new housing. Paving over food-producing greenbelt areas for McMansions or building 50 story condo resort towers to sit mostly empty will not fix the housing crisis. Nimbys who fight a 4 story affordable apartment building in their neighborhood -yeah, I agree 100% with you.