• Phoenixz
    46 months ago

    He won’t and he can’t. Elon Musk is like Trump on that he lies, a LOT, mostly all the time about just about everything that he claims that he does, did, and will do.

    It’s the same posturing as having a mars base by, what was it, 2020? 2022?

    He still hasn’t been able to leave orbit, SpaceX still hasn’t been able to replicate what NASA did back in the 60’s, yet here we are acting like they’re performing miracles.

    I’m sure that there are smart engineers at SpaceX that want and try better but SpaceX, as it stands, rujs onntax payer money and boy have they wasted a LOT of it to get just done what is considered basic rocket technology. SpaceX will not put a (wo)man on mars within the next decade, or more likely two or three, if ever.

    Elon all the time comes with some ridiculous idea and then people jump on it as if it’s amaaaaazing even though highschoolers should be able to identify that his ideas are fundamentally stupid or plain impossible, yet people keep acting as if he’s a genius. HE WAS FIRED FOR INCOMPETENCE BEFORE dammit. That should have been a red flag.

    Stop listening to this scammer, and just wait for him to kill twitter, he’s been working hard on piledriving it off a cliff.

    • @JustAnotherKay
      26 months ago

      This is off topic but


      Human is two less characters, and on the phone, way easier to type. Why choose to write it like that?