• @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    Right. I misremembered, it wasn’t in Russian. Here you go

    Viimased kanded lõplikku nimekirja tegi jaoskonnakomisjon valimispäeval, fikseerides valimissedelite väljaandmise. Vahemärkusena väärib selle toimingu juures mainimist seik, et valijailt kinnitust sedeli kättesaamise kohta ei võetud, seda asendas komisjonipoolne märge. Valimismäärustikud kõnealust detaili ei kajasta, kuid viite kirjeldatud toimimisviisile võib leida nimekirjade koostamise tehnilisest juhendist. (7) Esmapilgul võib asi paista vähetähtis, kuid see andis jaoskonnakomisjonide käsutusse lihtsa viisi ise „hääli kasti pannes” nõutav valimistulemus tagada. Selle kohta võib mälestustes viiteid leida juba alates Riigivolikogu valimistest 1940. a. suvel

    The (7) reference there is for “ERA, f. R-437, n. 1, s. 1.” which is the official document that isn’t digitized. However you can take a trip to the Estonian national archives and you can request access to it. You can do that here

    Now, where is your proof?

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        Since you want to play that game let’s go back to the original argument

        You were allowed to have different ifeas, voice them, and vote on them.

        Where is the evidence for this?

        • Cowbee [he/they]
          5 months ago

          You can read This Soviet World or Blackshirts and Reds, if you’d like. There have been numerous books on the subject. You can even check the Wikipedia page for Soviet Democracy, the bit from Pat Sloan is especially relevant.

          I have, while working in the Soviet Union, participated in an election. I, too, had a right to vote, as I was a working member of the community, and nationality and citizenship are no bar to electoral rights. The procedure was extremely simple. A general meeting of all the workers in our organisation was called. by the trade union committee, candidates were discussed, and a vote was taken by show of hands. Anybody present had the right to propose a candidate, and the one who was elected was not personally a member of the Party. In considering the claims of the candidates their past activities were discussed, they themselves had to answer questions as to their qualifications, anybody could express an opinion, for or against them, and the basis of all the discussion was: What justification had the candidates to represent their comrades on the local Soviet?

          • @[email protected]
            25 months ago

            Anyone can write about how they could voice ideas and vote on them but where the proof of anyone actually voicing and idea and there being voting on it?