They started installing poles along a main road near where we live and I’m not sure what the white antennas on them are for. Some of the poles have traffic cameras like the one in the picture but others don’t. They are spaced every half to one mile and have antennas on opposite sides, with what looks like a radio cabinet near the base. The antennas are all aligned along the road, pointing parallel to traffic. This is in southwest Pennsylvania.

    • @[email protected]
      406 months ago

      As for what it’s for, it could be anything.

      I’m pretty sure that’s what Bill Gates will be using to activate the 5G nanobots that we all received in the COVID vaccine.

        • @[email protected]
          46 months ago

          They forgot to put out all the antennas, and you know how slow big infrastructure projects can be.

          • @[email protected]
            26 months ago

            They said that people would start dying like flies in no time. Why do I care? You see, currently houses and cars are so expensive, because there are many people who also want to buy those things. If the population was cut to a fraction, as was promised, the prices would crash accordingly due to massive oversupply of everything. I’m still waiting for the day when I can buy a house with 1000 €.

      • @CM400
        36 months ago

        Source: military.

    • WxFischOP
      106 months ago

      That indeed looks like exactly what they are, which I should have known since I have a bunch of UniFi gear at home. I wonder what PennDOT is using them for.

    • borari
      46 months ago

      Those airfibers are massive fucking overkill for a single camera. I’ve aligned pairs of these that feed entire like 10-25 unit MDUs.

      • @jake_jake_jake_
        36 months ago

        if they are chaining them bandwidth will add up, and depending on the switching equipment they could be doing a large ring of some sort. it would be pretty easy to calculate since cameras are a pretty even throughput.

        Looks like a air fiber 24 which is only 1.5Gbps throughput, 8-24mbps per camera would mean between 60-200 cameras, which for a state transportation department wouldn’t be unreasonable, especially they are using these for something else, like interconnects between buildings for a metro-lan scenario.