So we’ve played a little MTGA online so we’re a little comfortable with the game but have no idea how to get into physical cards.

We’re interested in having mainly only LoTR ones but weren’t sure what to buy at the store.

Online it looks like there’s starters and boosters but what would be the best way to get like a lot of LoTR mainly cards?


  • @PloKoon
    2 years ago

    Yeah, the intro pack has two pre constructed decks that I’ve heard are fun to play with. My first purchase of magic in 10 years was the Frodo Commander deck. But I got that because the comic store near our house has regular commander deck play on Thursdays. If your want just a bunch of cards the Draft boosters are good, but the Set Boosters have a better chance for rares and other cards worth a good bit. I’ve been buying set boosters.

    If you can find the Lotr Bundle once it’s back on stock, I’d get that. It’s $60 but comes with 4 promo foils, a lot of Land cards, and 8 set boosters.

    If you want an easy way to play, the Jumpstart boosters are super easy! Just buy 2 and it’s an automatic 40 card deck. She gets 2 packs and you now have 2 decks and can play right away!