Friday nicht an wha’s awa oot? Sun’s oot, last gallus weekend ae the summer upon us

  • @OlapOPM
    20 days ago

    Men’s rugby kicks aff the moro, will head oot tae swatch a bit o it. The nicht ah reckun world of tanks, followed by a film ae sum sort, ah’m waitin fer mah best mate tae cum roon fer watching Rings o Power - mibbes Sunday.

    Nice weather though mibbe tak the wee ane up Arthur’s Seat

    • @Z3k3
      320 days ago

      Wish I could be interested in any kind of sport as a reason to get oot but sadly I just dinny get it

      Also rings o power s2 oot or just the 1st one

      • @OlapOPM
        220 days ago

        First three ae S2 only the noo. And gettin oot when ye’ve kids is the ainly way tae stay sane like

    • @linzid83
      120 days ago

      Sounds like a fab weekend!! My OH wants me to watch Rings of Power but I dunno if I fancy it!! I take it u recommend?? Arthurs seat will be good!!

      • @OlapOPM
        220 days ago

        Lots of Tolkien fanboys getting their knickers in a twist about it. But I rated season 1 quite highly, been looking forward to this. I’m also currently listening to the Lord of the Rings when I get a spare moment though…

        • @linzid83
          220 days ago

          He watched the first series but can’t remember it, so we have it on the now!! I didn’t know it was Lord of the Rings! Hmmmm