I’m a guitarist/singer and I’m looking to record some acoustic stuff. I have a condenser mic, but I would need an audio interface. I’m not looking for a fancy setup, just bare bones really. Any recommendations for an open source audio workshop? What’s my cheapest quality option for an audio interface?


  • Howdy
    15 months ago

    Used to do this for a living and got a degree in this.

    My favorite DAW is Reaper. You can use it indefinitely for free or pay a modest fee to support them.

    As others said focusright is solid and affordable. I personally have the SSL2 interface and I have no complaints.

    Guitar, going direct in with some amp/effect emulator like amplitube is hard to beat.

    Use your condensor on stuff like your voice and acoustic. Get you an sm57 if your going to be recording your guitar amp as an affordable guitar/instrument mic.

    • @NineMileTowerOP
      15 months ago

      Thanks. Likely it will just be me and the acoustic and I’ll probably throw some really weird shit in there. I like to make fake radio commercials.