Musk voted by mail in November 2016, the year Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, and in the November 2018 midterm election, the records show. Musk’s primary residence was in Los Angeles at the time.

The state records show that Musk had a sparse history of voting in California. During the 18 years he was eligible to vote there, he cast ballots in only those two elections. He became eligible to vote when he became a U.S. citizen in 2002 and cast his first ballot 14 years later, at age 45. He was actively registered to vote by August 2006, the records show.

Among the elections Musk skipped were presidential races in which Barack Obama, John McCain and Mitt Romney were on the ballot, all primary elections and all local elections. California has an open primary system in which all registered voters are allowed to participate.

A fine, patriotic American who definitely belongs in Trump’s cabinet.

  • @RememberTheApollo_
    3015 days ago

    Like that clown is going to stand in line anywhere with the rabble to vote.

    • @[email protected]
      14 days ago

      Maybe there’s a line somewhere that he can fly to in his private jet.

      Although now that I think of it, then he would have done that already.

    • @INeedMana
      112 days ago

      Oh! Now I know what this is. It’s not “mail voting is bad, let’s not mail vote”. It’s “let’s use X to vote”