My partner and I are recent graduates, and are looking to adopt. I’ve only lived with a dog briefly and them a cat, so I don’t have insight but I’m not opposed. Casting a wide net as I’m the one lacking confidence here, their gung-ho ;~;

Old versus Young? Do breeds determine personality? Behavioral red flags? I know all floofs deserve a chance at love but we’re fresh faced parents.

Anything helps, thanks all!

  • @[email protected]
    66 months ago

    Talk to them frequently and engage with them actively. My friend was surprised that my kitties come when called. They aren’t aloof. They run to the door to greet me (or my partner) when I walk in. They are very loving if raised this way. Not quite like a dog because we domesticated dogs earlier, but absolutely just as loving.

    • @Jikiya
      66 months ago

      We didn’t domesticate cats, as it turns out. They domesticated themselves, or so I’ve read. Something about the rats eating our grain and the cats coming around to eats the rodents and then getting comfortable being around us humans.

      • @[email protected]
        66 months ago

        Yep, I’ve read the same. And that’s why we’ve been living around them half as long. They needed agriculture for us to be interesting whereas we trained dogs to help us hunt.