Full-time workers’ rights to ask for a four-day working week could be strengthened under government plans to increase flexible working.

Employees would still have to work their full hours to receive their full pay but could request to compress their contracted hours into a shorter working week, as first reported by the Daily Telegraph.

Since April, workers have already had the right to ask for flexible working as soon as they start a job but firms do not have to agree.

The government says it will not impose changes on staff or businesses, but the Conservatives say businesses are “petrified” about the plans.

Education Minister Baroness Jacqui Smith told LBC that “flexible working is actually good for productivity”.

  • ms.lane
    46 months ago

    More class division.

    The blue collar working classes will never be allowed a 32hour/4 day week, it’s only for the landed gentry and professional classes who will make sure to pull the ladder up after them.