Has anyone had a whiteish mass in their egg before? I looked online and some people said it’s intestinal lining some said ovary parts. Not sure, but it looks too big to be the white strandy stuff.

  • @[email protected]
    519 days ago

    if this is farm fresh, it might be a fetus. i raised chickens so I’ve seen this before… there’s quite a few streaks of blood in the white as well, suggesting it might be fertilized… you said you didn’t have a rooster but without that knowledge I would have been certain of it. do you have a neighbor with free range chickens who might have a rooster?

    • @AermisOP
      218 days ago

      No. My chickens stick to their run as well so a rooster can’t have broken in. That’s so bizarre.

      • @Valmond
        118 days ago

        A rooster in disguise?