How to install ProtonVPN in Arch Linux (CachyOS) ?

Should I follow ?


from flathub ?

This flatpak has Unverified tag, but according to this, this flatpak is safe.

Which one should I follow ?

Asking this because I’m because I’m a bit lazy to configure OpenVPN and all that stuff. (pls don’t kill me :)

Also do you think using VPN from flatpak is a good idea?

  • @Veraxis
    26 months ago

    +1 in favor of using proton-vpn-gtk-app. That’s what I use.

    I use yay with regular Arch, but any AUR helper on CachyOS should be the same thing.

      • @Veraxis
        26 months ago

        Because either AUR helper is going to be pulling from the same AUR repository. Whether you use yay or paru, it is fetching the same files from the AUR. I am sure there are minor differences between the various AUR helpers, but all that I mean to say is that for your purposes it is probably not critical and you should use whichever AUR helper you prefer.