Queen the band sucks. I don’t get why anyone likes them. Aside from Bohemian Rhapsody, their songs are bland and fall short. Their rock is dry. And the opera-style singing is cringe. Examples:

Another One Bites the Dust

  • Catchy bass line, fun to direct at an opponent, CORNY AF. The song is about people being killed, but sounds like a funky Michael Jackson song with an Opera singer.

We Will Rock You

  • Good solo, repetitive and annoying simple beat. Boom-boom-ch. So lame.

We Are the Champions

  • Such a self-aggrandizing and braggy song. “No time for losers”? Okay, Donald Trump.

Bicycle Race

  • I don’t even have to say anything about this one. Everyone knows how corny this song sounds.

Somebody to Love

  • Touching topic, cheesy lyrics and even cheesier choir-like singing. It’s cringe.

I am happy for the band and their success. I admire Freddie Mercury’s unapologetic flamboyance. The dude kept it real. But, I just can’t like the music.

I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone. I understand we all have different taste and respect everyone’s freedom to like and enjoy what they want. I’m not trying to insult anyone for their taste, but merely expressing my own in a somewhat humorous attempt.

  • @krashmo
    26 months ago

    Oddly enough that’s my least favorite Queen song. I get why most people like it but it’s very different from their other songs that I enjoy.

    • @Jarix
      16 months ago

      Liking the song isnt that important when testing gear. The production value and its composition make it good for seeing what the gear can do.

      Coincidently though when Senheiser was showcasing its $50,000 dollar Orpheus Headset, they had a pay 100 dollars to use it for 15 minutes promotion. They had it hooked up to Tidal to get their master quality audio and the most picked song for real audiophile folk was apparently Hotel California by the Eagles

      So if you arent a fan or Bohemian Rhapsody, maybe Hotel California might be a better test track when/if you are testing new audio gear