So obviously I know that this isn’t the solution, but would a hole in the head equalize the pressure and relieve pain? Or are pressure headaches within the bloodstream or something internal?

Really wish I had a tire valve on the back of my neck to balance out.

  • @[email protected]
    318 days ago

    I used to work with a guy that had what looked a bit like a Schrader valve (I never got close and looked) a little bit behind one of his ears. I worked with him for a while but never asked what it was for. Any chance you could give some idea as to what it was for? I assumed he may have had a TBI at some point (I feel like I remember an IED story from him) and it was to relieve pressure or something.

    • @godzillabacter
      418 days ago

      No idea unfortunately, but definitely not to release pressure. You don’t get air in your brain, it’s all fluid. Outside of the hospital, all the drains drain to somewhere internal, usually the abdominal cavity

    • @[email protected]
      218 days ago

      I have something that looks like that. Mine is a bone mounted hearing aid. Usually there’s a little device plugged into it.