• Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
    16 months ago

    Crazy to see that even though this article was written back in 2021, the same vile exploitation continues unchecked today.

    Companies are still robbing workers blind, paying starvation wages, and ignoring the rights of those who make their profits possible. This isn’t just history repeating itself—it’s a deliberate choice by the capitalist class to keep squeezing every last drop out of the working poor.

    They haven’t learned from their mistakes because, to them, it’s not a mistake—it’s the plan.

    And until we unite and demand real change, they’ll keep getting away with it.

    • @Sanctus
      26 months ago

      I’m over this shit. Post a plan and I’ll get with it. End the Exploitation. There is no need for this in the modern world.

      • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
        06 months ago

        Amen, brother. And I hope more people get tired of this shit and we can start to do something about it.