You have a better chance of snapping a photo of Bigfoot than you have of a voter fraud incident in your jurisdiction, but it infuriates me that the myth of widespread voter fraud persists.

  • @RangerJosie
    8613 days ago

    They have nothing real to run on. They never do. But idiots will work themselves into a lather over shit that doesn’t happen like this.

    All they have is engineered outrage and grievance politics. And the chuds will eat it up.

    • @rayyy
      713 days ago

      And the chuds will eat it up.

      Really feel sorry for the orange cult folks. They are incredibly ignorant and gullible to the point of being their own worst enemy. Demons will gather up their souls one day because nothing else tolerates such filth.

    • @[email protected]
      -1412 days ago

      They have nothing real to run on.

      Pictured is Kamala Harris’s Presidential Campaign page, main menu, as viewed on mobile. The second screenshot shows the menu from the bottom of the website.

      Of note is the fact that there is no reference whatsoever so Harris’s policy positions.

      She doesn’t give interviews.

      She is doing what you’re accusing Republicans of doing, which is having nothing real to run on. She is literally running on nothing.

      Also, she was not elected as the candidate in a primary.

      But oh yes, let’s all remember that “Democracy’s on the ballot here”, as we back our wild card candidate who skipped the primaries, doesn’t do interviews, and doesn’t have a platform.