They started installing poles along a main road near where we live and I’m not sure what the white antennas on them are for. Some of the poles have traffic cameras like the one in the picture but others don’t. They are spaced every half to one mile and have antennas on opposite sides, with what looks like a radio cabinet near the base. The antennas are all aligned along the road, pointing parallel to traffic. This is in southwest Pennsylvania.

  • @computergeek125
    117 days ago

    Forgive my ignorance in that case. I did very poorly on the unit that covered token ring, and was in perpetual self doubt because I got an answer wrong when I referenced the original manufacturer document instead of the slides.

    Nothing against the protocol, I just didn’t learn it properly and was born too late to see it in person. (I love learning about all tech)

    • @[email protected]
      014 days ago

      Be glad you never had to suffer through the hell that is token ring. And given how awful it truly is, I am surprised that they have decided to recreate it wirelessly. I understand why (the why is money, it’s always money) but you would have thought they would have learned their lesson.