As far as I know there are these;

  • Camel case = coolFileName
  • Snake case = cool_file_name
  • Kebab case = cool-file-name
  • Pascal case = CoolFileName
  • Dot notation =
  • Flat case = coolfilename
  • Screaming case = COOLFILENAME

Personally I prefer the kebab/dot conventions simply because they allow for easy “navigation” with (ctrl+arrow keys) between each part. What are your preferences when it comes to this? Did I miss any schemes?

  • fatalicus
    513 days ago

    Whatever case I get when my finger reaches the shift key.

    • @[email protected]
      113 days ago

      The guy on shift before you got the Case of the Missing Variable. What will you get when your finger reaches that shift? Who knows… It will remain… A_Mystery!