Beside DE and terminal commands , is there anything else I should try in a linux distro ?

  • @[email protected]
    146 months ago

    I disagree that the UI/DE/WM is a good way to evaluate a distro. One could make any distro look and feel like any other.

    In my opinion one should look primarily at three factors:

    1. Package manager
    2. Release type
    3. Stability

    From there just choose either Debian or Arch and install the UI you want with the DE/WM

    • @Bookmeat
      36 months ago

      Also check hardware support.

    • @Draghetta
      36 months ago

      You are technically correct (I know) but I would argue that distros that come with a certain DE usually have their experience built into it. Sure you can install gnome in kde neon but don’t expect anything to work, if it does it’s mostly by accident.

      This is true for distros that cater to “simple” users that want to install and be productive of course, not for those like Debian or arch which cater to users who want to build their own experience.

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      Please notice that I spoke about the configuration of the DE/VM, I have learned a lot about DE/VM confug from looking at different distros

    • @A7thStone
      16 months ago

      I agree on the package manager. I got so used to rpm style from SuSE that I have a hard time with Debian based systems.

    • bufordk
      06 months ago

      My $0.02 worth. I run Kubuntu (Debian) and Manjaro (Arch) both with KDE Plasma. KDE has done such a great job. I often forget which distro I’m running. It’s usually me inadvertently running apt commands on the Manjaro box and saying to myself, oh yeah that’s right
      @stoy @kalvo

      • @[email protected]
        16 months ago

        How do you like Manjaro? I am on normal arch with kde and I love it. Manjaro’s own repos scare me.

        • bufordk
          16 months ago

          I like it quite a bit. I’ve been using it for about 2 years; one machine as a every day work station that I use for everything and a laptop with a cracked screen that I use as my Jellyfin server. I have no issues at all with the repos but that is the one area I know the least about. Since you mentioned it, I think I do some learning this week.