my reddit account is suspended for 3 (now 2) days, and the reason was for inciting violence. and i did say violent stuff but i was talking about in a video game, and the original post was asking people about heinous things they’ve done in the game. and i sent an appeal but i don’t know if it will do anything because i heard reddit moderators are like, shitty

  • Socialist Mormon Satanist
    -76 months ago

    I’m ruffling feathers and getting hate because I’m challenging the status quo and standing up against the comfortable lies that prop up this broken system. You can mock all you want, but I’ll keep fighting for real change while you keep clinging to the duopoly like it’s some kind of savior. :)

      • Socialist Mormon Satanist
        -76 months ago

        It’s clear to me that you’re the one with ulterior motives here. Your accusations reek of someone trying to protect the very system that keeps us all down, and I don’t trust your intentions one bit.

        • @[email protected]
          26 months ago

          Yeah totally. It’s definitely not because you’re spreading lies and trying to sway an election

          • Socialist Mormon Satanist
            6 months ago

            It’s clear as day that you’re the one spreading lies and that you’re trying to keep this rigged duopoly in power.

            I see through your game, and I don’t trust your motives one bit.

            Republicans like you are always desperate to sway the election in favor of the status quo, but I’m here to expose your agenda and fight for real change. Don’t worry friend, I know what you’re up to.

              • Socialist Mormon Satanist
                6 months ago

                I’m not sure that you yelling out to the world that you are voting for Jill Stein and Putin (!?) is really fitting the subject of this thread and post. Are you ok?

                This sidetrack is long enough.

                Lets try to get back to the topic about Reddit.