• @cm0002
    1216 days ago

    but that it domesticates us into pets.

    So all our needs and wants will be taken care of and we no longer have to work or pay bills?

    Welp, I for one welcome our robot AI overlords

    • Pennomi
      216 days ago

      Yes, I believe that will be the ultimate end of AI. I don’t think billionaires are immune from the same addictions that the rest of us are prone to. An AI that takes over will not answer to wealthy humans, it will domesticate them too.

      • nickwitha_k (he/him)
        316 days ago

        I don’t think billionaires are immune from the same addictions that the rest of us are prone to.

        I’d argue that it is likely that they are more prone to addiction but, their drug of choice is power.