Created this account so I could create the community. Decided on because my main account is on, which does not allow community creation (and limits its communities to things about Australia). Figured is better than due to the latter’s performance/federation issues.

[email protected]

  • Andrew
    31 month ago

    OP’s link is bad - they’ve created a direct link to the community on and named that link [email protected], rather than just typing [email protected]. Lemmy and PieFed can both handle the link, but it seems that Mbin is struggling with it.

    A proper ! link should work on Mbin - you’ve previously said that Mbin has been configured to point ! links to ‘/search?’, so an unknown community gets resolved.

    As for solving the problem of Lemmy throwing a generic error page whilst its backend is busy resolving unknown communities, that’s a UX issue for the devs to fix, or for the users to know that they need to press ‘refresh’.

    That both Mbin and Lemmy have a ‘/search’ endpoint is more of a coincidence than anything - I don’t think it can be relied upon to provide some kind of universal ‘fediverse link’ (and I’m not just saying that because PieFed has no clue what to do with your link!)

      • Andrew
        31 month ago

        Yeah, sorry, Blaze explained after how it happens, so my comment was more critical than it should have been. Anyway, the point of all this extra chat on what should just be some community promo, was that the link format that - it turns out - Lemmy autogens is fine for you, and fine for me, but not for MBIN users (who’s solution seems to be proposing an entirely different and untested link format for everyone else to use)