• @Skyrmir
    115 days ago

    If you’re setting up in states that don’t have ranked choice, all you’re doing is creating a spoiler vote against everything you claim to support.

    Get out of Texas and go try Maine.

    • Socialist BerserkerOPM
      215 days ago

      I get where you’re coming from, but they’re working to make a difference wherever they can. Setting up in different states takes a lot of resources, and they’re doing what they can with what they have. Hopefully, we’ll see more efforts in places like Maine soon.

      • @Skyrmir
        015 days ago

        Setting up a write in campaign in states with close elections only hurts their own cause. They’re most likely being funded by the GOP for exactly that reason.

        • Socialist BerserkerOPM
          215 days ago

          It’s laughable how quick some are to assume that anyone challenging the status quo must be secretly in league with the GOP. Refusing to fall in line with the duopoly doesn’t mean selling out—it means standing up.

          • @Skyrmir
            114 days ago

            Setting up a left wing write in campaign in FPTP states helps the GOP. End of story. They’re either doing it out of stupidity or collusion.

            If they wanted to actually increase their political power they would be running candidates in the Dem primary, or vocally supporting or protesting the Dem in the general as a voting bloc.

            • Socialist BerserkerOPM
              114 days ago

              Claiming that a left-wing write-in campaign automatically helps the GOP is a convenient way to dismiss any challenge to the duopoly. The real issue is that the system itself is broken, and pretending that funneling everything through the Democratic Party will lead to meaningful change is naive at best. Running as a bloc in primaries or supporting the status quo just perpetuates the same tired cycle that has failed to address the root issues for decades. True change requires challenging the system, not bending to its confines.

              • @Skyrmir
                114 days ago

                It’s not challenging duopoly at all, it’s using it to advantage the GOP. It’s not even attempting to change the system, it’s entrenching it further by ensuring the opposition wins.

                Again, there are ways to challenge our election system that work better than punching yourself in the face.

                • Socialist BerserkerOPM
                  114 days ago

                  Again, there are ways to challenge our election system that work better than punching yourself in the face.

                  I not voting for Harris. Or Trump. I’m voting third party. We should all accept this and move on. :)

                  • @Skyrmir
                    014 days ago

                    So you don’t give a shit about the socialist platform, you just want to whine that your guy isn’t on top.

                    At least be honest with yourself.