The shooter is a sovereign citizen.

  • EleventhHour
    -113 days ago

    yet, you seem tolerant of murder and vengeance. so, you would appear to only want to protect certain lives and make the world a better place for some. and who would be the one to decide who benefits from this “better world”? you?

      • EleventhHour
        713 days ago

        not really sure where dying during war comes into play when discussing this murder of police officers…

        i think you replied to the wrong comment

          • EleventhHour
            13 days ago

            congratulations. that’s the most self-important, self-aggrandizing rationalization for vengeance and murder i’ve heard in, at least, a few weeks.

            bravo. frankly, i’m more surprised that you could type all of that out with both of your arms nailed to that cross.

              • EleventhHour
                13 days ago

                i’m a “cop lover” because i point out that murder and vengeance aren’t justice and that your views and words are hypocritical?

                how’s that anything but childish name-calling?

                  • EleventhHour
                    13 days ago

                    If you feel “personally attacked” when your cheering of murder and vengeance are criticized as hypocritical, then perhaps you should reexamine your position.

                    And don’t cry about “personal attacks” when hypocritically making them with childish name-calling.

      • Lightor
        112 days ago

        And who gets to decide when we’re at war about what

        You want good people protected, how do you propose we do that without any group that is very cop like in their responsibilities?