• @[email protected]
    186 months ago

    Not me sitting here with hundreds of dollars in TTRPG manuals when my playgroup only meets once a week and we are in the middle of a pathfinder campaign.

    I feel particularly called out because I spent all day today reading Mothership manuals and adventures and I have no idea when I’ll get to play it.

    • @ampedwolfman
      166 months ago

      You’re good, dude. You’re trying to immerse yourself in rules and the lore. No one would say shit if you downloaded all the pdf’s for free and read them. This way, you’re just supporting paizo.

      Read on and keep enjoying the hobby.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        You may have misunderstood, it’s not just Paizo. I’ve been spending a lot of time reading the books for other game systems. Lately I’ve been reading the rules and other materials for Call of Cthulhu, Shadowdark, Mothership, and Numenera. Luckily, it’s possible to find a lot of these manuals and adventures online for free, but some of them I still paid for. Also, a lot of the time I spent reading could have been spent prepping my next pathfinder session lol. I appreciate the sentiment of your comment though.

        • @ampedwolfman
          16 months ago

          I stick to my original statement bud. You’re just supporting the creators. There’s nothing wrong with that. If anyone tells you otherwise just hit them with something like, “unlike you I support content worth keeping around.”

          And enjoy the ttrpg’s my guy. I love to see a hobby I’ve loved for so long grow in popularity.