reddit has polls (even if it’s only up to 6 choices, and <8 days)
reddit currently has more users, and thus more people to interact with
I kinda like karma pints.
my pro-Green Party/Jill Stein posts aren’t visible to most redittors, and thus aren’t as much downvoted, if at all
I can embed YouTube videos, but not only YT but also Vimeo
why Lemmy is better:
no ads, not run by a corporation
It’s federated.
as one respondent already said ITT: more cozy
my Vimeo, niconico, Archive, Wikicommons, and the very rare PeerTube posts look no worse than my YouTube posts—though with most posts, one can’t see as many thumbnails.
why Miraheze is better:
no ads, not run by a corporation
I can embed YouTube videos, but not only YT but also Vimeo, Archive, niconico, Wikicommons, and Miraheze Commons (on a few of the wikis at least)
Files in Wikicommons can be transcluded.
I like the wiki format (at least their and WMF wiki formats) best.
why WMF projects are better:
no ads, not run by a corporation
Wikipedia is one of the most visited website on the internet; I enjoy categorizing files on Wikicommons; I like the structures of Wikiversity’s wikidebates.
I’m also thinking of posting in RationalWiki next year.
why reddit is better:
reddit has polls (even if it’s only up to 6 choices, and <8 days)
reddit currently has more users, and thus more people to interact with
I kinda like karma pints.
my pro-Green Party/Jill Stein posts aren’t visible to most redittors, and thus aren’t as much downvoted, if at all
I can embed YouTube videos, but not only YT but also Vimeo
why Lemmy is better:
no ads, not run by a corporation
It’s federated.
as one respondent already said ITT: more cozy
my Vimeo, niconico, Archive, Wikicommons, and the very rare PeerTube posts look no worse than my YouTube posts—though with most posts, one can’t see as many thumbnails.
why Miraheze is better:
no ads, not run by a corporation
I can embed YouTube videos, but not only YT but also Vimeo, Archive, niconico, Wikicommons, and Miraheze Commons (on a few of the wikis at least)
Files in Wikicommons can be transcluded.
I like the wiki format (at least their and WMF wiki formats) best.
why WMF projects are better:
no ads, not run by a corporation
Wikipedia is one of the most visited website on the internet; I enjoy categorizing files on Wikicommons; I like the structures of Wikiversity’s wikidebates.
I’m also thinking of posting in RationalWiki next year.