Fans of the classic turn-based RPG saga will be thrilled with the news that The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky is being remade and coming to Nintendo Switch in 2025, announced by Nihon Falcom. This remake marks the first time the game will appear on a Nintendo platform, offering players an updated version of their beloved adventure set in the Liberl Kingdom.

Key Points from the Remake

  • A full 3D recreation of the game’s world will enhance immersion with seamless transitions between fields and towns.
  • The combat system retains its command-based battles, featuring various attacks and magic spells known as Arts

Are you a fan of The Legend of Heroes series? What do you think about transitioning the series to 3D?

  • @cybervseas
    16 months ago

    Ah so maybe I’m just reading the article too closely, as it says full 3D for the game’s fields and towns, and doesn’t mention the character models.

      • @cybervseas
        16 months ago

        Thanks! I had to open in new browser to get it to load. Wow!

        3D characters and a free behind the shoulder camera. The game looks great!