Incase it doesn’t show up:

  • @Treczoks
    714 days ago

    I’ve seen way worse. Imagine a project that uses C preprocessor structures to make a C-compiler provide a kind-of C++. Macros that are pages long, and if you forget a single bracket anywhere, your ten pages look like a romance novel.

    Or VHDL synthesis messages. You’ve got no real control over them, 99.9% of the warnings are completely irrelevant, but one line in a 50k lines output could hint at a problem - if you only found it.

    So far, the output of C or C++ compilers (except for the above-mentioned project) has not been a problem or me, but I’m doing this for about 40 years now, so I’ve got a bit of experience.

    • @[email protected]
      714 days ago

      Yep, sadly I’ve been exposed to a few such codebases before. I certainly learned a lot about how NOT to design a project.

      You’ve been at it longer than I have, but I’ve already had coworkers look at me like I’m a wizard for decoding their error message. You do get a feel for where the important parts of the error actually are over time. So much scrolling though…

      • @[email protected]
        313 days ago

        You do get a feel for where the important parts of the error actually are

        Yes, after decades of scanning large pages of text - code, errors, logs, search results, etc - a programmers ability to apply pattern recognition to screens of letters can be truly remarkable.

      • @Treczoks
        214 days ago

        Yes, I have my share of coworkers asking me when they run into problems, too. They even ask me when they have Windows problems. And I don’t do Windows - I do Linux and embedded systems.

    • @[email protected]
      113 days ago

      I had to do a module programming in VHDL for my EE degree.

      Every time I see it mentioned anywhere I have a compulsion to scream: FUCK VHDL AND ITS FUCKING ERRORS! NO YOUR ANALYSIS & SYNTHESIS IS UNSUCCESSFUL!

      I did not pursue a career in electronics…

      • @Treczoks
        113 days ago

        One of the key problems of learning VHDL at universities is that most teachers there are amazingly clueless about the language. Not only do you need a bit of a different mindset (you do not program, you define), but their knowledge of language and systems is stuck in the last century.

        When I was a regular in a VHDL group on the site we don’t mention here, we regularly had students who got taught techniques that are obsolete or at least deprecated since 1989.