Danish Minister of Justice Peter Hummelgaard said […] social media - naming Telegram and TikTok - were widely used to facilitate crime and that if it was up to him alone, some communication platforms would be geoblocked and shut down.

A TikTok spokesperson for the Nordics said the company had no comment on the ministers’ statement but added it was looking forward to working with the governments on the issue.

Telegram said that it abided by the EU’s Digital Service Act and that recruitment for illegal acts was forbidden on the platform.

Meta and X did not immediately reply to requests for comment.

  • RubberDuck
    04 months ago

    Nonsense. If a national newspaper had these ads they would also be told to stop accepting these ads to their adspace.

    What is so difficult to understand here. If someone is using your platform to do illegal shit you get asked to put a stop to it. If this means manually vetting each ad, you put this in the price and continue on.

    All this yammering about poor big tech beiing held to account. Stop it. They are multi billion dollar companies that make money off this. If you are told your trucks are used for coke transport by this customer and you keep moving his boxes… you are complicit.