This is my latest attempt at reaching whatever’s at the bottom. I’ve learned from my previous mistakes and I believe I’ve got a better character this time. I even brought two akhs, a blessed one and a regular one (both lost in this same level). I’m still running out of food and health potions very quickly in the last levels. The bosses are really taxing in terms of health potions, and exploring takes a lot of time, which means I’m using many food items. Here are my items and skills:

Screenshot_20240903-161141 Screenshot_20240903-161228

  • @Vencedor
    16 months ago

    Pro tip: use all of your upgrades on your armor. A +5 is not enough to tank the enemies and you will burn through health potions. I usually end the game with like 20 of those, just because I don’t need to use them. And I might recommend not to bless ankhs. They give more hp and saturation when unblessed, and you get to save those dew drops for hp, which totals a lot more hp. I think blessing ankhs is just a flex

    • @reattach
      26 months ago

      I prefer to split upgrades - I find there tends to be diminishing returns when I pour too many scrolls into any one item.

      +5/6 plate is OK for me for most runs (depends on exact circumstances); after all, armor only protects against physical attacks. Using the rest on weapon/wand/rings can make it so you can avoid taking hits in the first place.

      • @Vencedor
        16 months ago

        Well, with my strat I barely have to use health potions, and when I do is usually in the early game. The magic attacks are easy to avoid, just kite the enemies to melee reach. If the enemy is an evil eye I just find a place to be safe while it fires. I don’t need to avoid to take physical hits, because I can just tank. And I love when I have reached a point I can just don’t care about the enemies (but magical) and can just walk… And with thorns, now you can even carry no weapon, they’ll just die.

        • @Riversedgeknight1
          26 months ago

          Thorns isn’t a viable strat since you have a very low chance of actually getting it. This strat can work with huntress since the bow upgrades automatically, but upgrading your armor past 7+ is generally a waste. The fact that you have all those health pots left over is kinda evidence of that.

          • @Vencedor
            16 months ago

            So now saving health potions is bad?

      • [email protected]
        16 months ago

        +6 weapon, +6 armor, +6 ring is a nice well-rounded split (yes I know that’s +18 and there’s 15 scrolls, presumably you can upgrade something that was already +1 or use the Blacksmith).

        I usually aim for a more even split, but if anything I tend to sometimes do the opposite of the previous comment and dump most scrolls in a weapon.
        Armor only protects against physical damage, and enemies can’t attack you when they’re dead.
        Demon halls get a lot easier when you can one-shot even the evil eyes.